2N4032 Multicomp TRANSISTOR,PNP,1A,60V,TO39

Part Nnumber
Basic price
10,67 EUR

The product with part number 2N4032 (TRANSISTOR,PNP,1A,60V,TO39) is from company Multicomp and distributed with basic unit price 10,67 EUR. Minimal order quantity is 1 pc, Approx. production time is 8 weeks, Weight is 0.0009 Kg, Custom Tariff 85412900, Origin India.

Collector Emitter Voltage V(br)ceo: -60V DC Collector Current: 1A DC Current Gain hFE: 40 MSL: - No. of Pins: 3 Operating Temperature Max: 200°C Power Dissipation Pd: 800mW SVHC: To Be Advised Transistor Case Style: TO-39 Transistor Polarity: PNP Transition Frequency ft: -

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